Natalie ScottI loved this book in the end!! It took me awhile to get into it but after it pulled me right it, made me happy, mad and it did in fact made me cry! What an amazing story and lesson learned to fight for what you love and think is right. Don’t be scared to speak up! ❤️
Natalie ScottI fell deeply in love with this book, since the first chapter i was sooo drawn in!! I need me a Nathan. I won’t lie but I felt like the ending was rushed and kinda scattered but still loved it, made me tear up ❤️ 
Natalie Scotti won’t lie to you, i thought the beginning was slow and confusing. once i started actually reading it, i couldn’t put the book down. i wasn’t a huge fan of the ending :/ it felt rushed. gabe and teddy are my favorites <3 i would so recommend this book to my mom lol
Natalie Scottwatched this with my brother, had us both crying of laughter 😂