Kaitlin Paigeis looking for a Show or Movie
Looking for movies that would fit the category "dating horror." Not just horror romance, but more specifically where idea of dating/trying to meet people is central, like Fresh or Companion
26 Suggestions
Suggested byPatron and upvoted by 2 others
Suggested byPatron and upvoted by 2 others
Suggested byKaitlin Paige and upvoted by 1 other
Suggested byBrandon Reed and upvoted by 1 other
Suggested byBrandon Reed and upvoted by 1 other
Suggested byKaitlin Paige
Suggested byPatron
Suggested byPatron
Suggested byLarissa
Suggested byLarissa
Suggested byLarissa
Suggested byLarissa
Suggested byLarissa
Suggested byLarissa
Suggested byLarissa
Suggested byJenny NoWhere 🇵🇸
Suggested byJessica Dobbs
Suggested byJessica Dobbs
Suggested byMeYou0