Larissa profile photo

Larissais looking for a Show or Movie

Movies or TV Shows with angels, demons, vampires, wolves, witches or any entity with special powers.

91 Suggestions

Suggested byJessica H and upvoted by 3 others

Buffy the Vampire Slayer image
hulu dogear

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Liked by 61.6K

Suggested bySabrina and upvoted by 3 others

Locke & Key image
netflix dogear

Locke & Key

Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Liked by 133.1K

Suggested bySM and upvoted by 3 others

Supernatural image
netflix dogear



Liked by 203.8K

Suggested bySM and upvoted by 3 others

Shadowhunters image
hulu dogear


Action & Adventure

Liked by 24.7K

Suggested byPix and upvoted by 3 others

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina image
netflix dogear

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina


Liked by 251.1K

Patron profile photo
Jessica profile photo
Andee profile photo

Suggested byPatron and upvoted by 2 others

True Blood image
hulu dogear

True Blood

Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Liked by 77.3K

Suggested byHana and upvoted by 2 others

The Vampire Diaries image
peacock premium dogear

The Vampire Diaries


Liked by 657.3K

Suggested bySabrina and upvoted by 2 others

Nancy Drew image
max dogear

Nancy Drew


Liked by 8.1K

Suggested byAbby Perez and upvoted by 2 others

The Order image
netflix dogear

The Order


Liked by 18.0K

Suggested byAbby Perez and upvoted by 2 others

The Secret Circle image

The Secret Circle


Liked by 11.9K

Suggested bySM and upvoted by 2 others

Fate: The Winx Saga image
netflix dogear

Fate: The Winx Saga

Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Liked by 22.1K

Suggested bySM and upvoted by 2 others

The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones image
tubi dogear

The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones


Liked by 13.7K

Suggested bySM and upvoted by 2 others

Lost Girl image
itunes dogear

Lost Girl

Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Liked by 7.8K

Suggested bySM and upvoted by 2 others

Lucifer image
netflix dogear



Liked by 279.0K

Suggested byKatie and upvoted by 2 others

The Craft image
pluto tv dogear

The Craft


Liked by 30.7K

Pamela profile photo
Larissa profile photo
Daniel profile photo

Suggested byPamela Calderwood and upvoted by 2 others

Evil image
netflix dogear



Liked by 8.6K

Patron profile photo
Jessica profile photo

Suggested byPatron and upvoted by 1 other

Being Human image
amazon dogear

Being Human

Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Liked by 3.9K

Road profile photo
Jessica profile photo

Suggested byRoad Master and upvoted by 1 other

The Dresden Files image
tubi dogear

The Dresden Files

Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Liked by 647

Road profile photo

Road MasterAll of the above. The show is pretty good. But the books are way better.

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Road profile photo
Jessica profile photo

Suggested byRoad Master and upvoted by 1 other

Blood and Chocolate image
tubi dogear

Blood and Chocolate


Liked by 363

Suggested byHana and upvoted by 1 other

Charmed image
netflix dogear



Liked by 15.7K

Suggested byJessica H and upvoted by 1 other

A Discovery of Witches image
netflix dogear

A Discovery of Witches

Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Liked by 12.6K

Jessica profile photo
Road profile photo

Suggested byJessica H and upvoted by 1 other

Goblin image
rakuten viki dogear



Liked by 6.5K

Jessica profile photo
Pamela profile photo

Suggested byJessica H and upvoted by 1 other

Renfield image
itunes dogear



Liked by 1.4K

Suggested byJessica H and upvoted by 1 other

Merlin image
peacock premium dogear


Action & Adventure

Liked by 25.2K

Suggested byRoad Master and upvoted by 1 other

Teen Wolf image
amazon dogear

Teen Wolf

Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Liked by 188.8K

Suggested byAbby Perez and upvoted by 1 other

Witches of East End image
hulu dogear

Witches of East End

Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Liked by 7.0K

Suggested byAbby Perez and upvoted by 1 other

Wolfblood image
peacock premium dogear


Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Liked by 1.8K

Suggested byAbby Perez and upvoted by 1 other

The Magicians image
tubi dogear

The Magicians


Liked by 27.3K

Suggested bySM and upvoted by 1 other

Agatha All Along image
disney+ dogear

Agatha All Along

Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Liked by 3.7K

Suggested bySM and upvoted by 1 other

Constantine image
itunes dogear


Action & Adventure

Liked by 2.0K

Suggested byKatie and upvoted by 1 other

The Craft: Legacy image
pluto tv dogear

The Craft: Legacy


Liked by 1.1K

Pix profile photo
Jessica profile photo

Suggested byPix and upvoted by 1 other

The Witcher image
netflix dogear

The Witcher


Liked by 337.9K

Suggested byHana

Charmed image
peacock premium dogear



Liked by 26.8K

Jessica profile photo

Suggested byJessica H

HeartBeat image
amazon dogear



Liked by 14

Jessica profile photo

Suggested byJessica H

The Legend of the Blue Sea image
hulu dogear

The Legend of the Blue Sea


Liked by 2.1K

Jessica profile photo

Suggested byJessica H

Strong Girl Nam-soon image
netflix dogear

Strong Girl Nam-soon

Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Liked by 118

Jessica profile photo

Suggested byJessica H

Roswell image
hulu dogear


Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Liked by 3.4K

Jessica profile photo

Suggested byJessica H

Dead Like Me image
the roku channel dogear

Dead Like Me

Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Liked by 5.2K

Jessica profile photo

Suggested byJessica H

In the Flesh image
peacock premium dogear

In the Flesh


Liked by 721

Jessica profile photo

Suggested byJessica H

Colossal image
tubi dogear



Liked by 783

Jessica profile photo

Suggested byJessica H

What We Do in the Shadows image
itunes dogear

What We Do in the Shadows


Liked by 43.5K

Jessica profile photo

Suggested byJessica H

Dracula image
shudder dogear



Liked by 990

Sabrina profile photo

Suggested bySabrina

Crazyhead image
netflix dogear



Liked by 733

Sabrina profile photo

Suggested bySabrina

October Faction image
netflix dogear

October Faction

Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Liked by 2.0K

Road profile photo

Suggested byRoad Master

Teen Wolf image
max dogear

Teen Wolf


Liked by 3.9K

Abby profile photo

Suggested byAbby Perez

Wolves image
amazon dogear



Liked by 282

Abby profile photo

Suggested byAbby Perez

Wolf Pack image
itunes dogear

Wolf Pack

Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Liked by 460

Abby profile photo

Suggested byAbby Perez

Hemlock Grove image
itunes dogear

Hemlock Grove


Liked by 3.8K

Abby profile photo

Suggested byAbby Perez

The Gifted image
hulu dogear

The Gifted

Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Liked by 6.2K

Suggested bySM

Mayfair Witches image
netflix dogear

Mayfair Witches


Liked by 1.2K

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