Longlegs - Likewise Movie Reviews
Vito Lupedee
"I had high hopes for this movie but was ultimately disappointed. In the beginning, it gives off Se7en and Silence of the Lambs vibes but then ends up having the feeling of an Art House film by the end. Nicholas Cage is almost unrecognizable in his role and played it super creepy, so that's a plus. But the story went in a direction that I didn't expect or care for. There are some disturbing visuals, so be forewarned. The overall tone of the movie is really ominous but never really delivers with the story, too many plot holes and unanswered questions. 6/10"
Hannah Morris
"Killer marketing campaign, meh follow through "
Rob Paul
"This is a super well made, directed and acted movie. Set in the early 80’s, was funny seeing research done with actual books and hand written notes laying around everywhere. But the highlight is Maika Monroe earning her chops by terrifically playing an atypical genius FBI agent with crippling fear exacerbated by the textbook secondhand trauma she experiences every day. I’m still trying to decide if my gripes about the ending are enough to bag on it or not."
D (
Daniella (she/her)
"What I told a friend after watching: The cinematography was amazing and the story line was definitely most unique "
Christina Paz
"This is the weirdest mover I ever seen and the slowest movie I’ve ever seen and the most talked movie I’ve ever seen. I think it would’ve better if it was sped up a little bit."
Alannah Rodriquez
"Good eerie atmosphere just a little wonky here and there in execution. The marketing on this was pretty cool though too ! Overall this is gonna be a huge hit or miss for people which I already knew going into it . "
Jim Woehr
"Such a strange movie with a great unhinged and creepy Nicolas Cage. One of the weirdest serial killer movies in years."
Tera Trimble
"What the f*€% just happened here. I love Nic Cage so much…I love thrillers, horror, and crime, etc. This film had no horror, it was not thrilling, and it had zero followable narrative, and not nearly weird enough to use that as its platform. Because of this, you don’t have any reason to care at all about the characters. Since I love Cage so much, I am used to and prepared for some serious campy B-movie vibes. Honestly the amount of 4-5 star reviews on here is truly messing with me. There is literally nothing to latch onto. I do *not* recommend this. "
� �
𝑹𝒊𝒄𝒐 𝑺𝒐𝒑𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒐 ✪
"Damn why did I rent Longlegs instead of buying it? It was only 5 more dollars. Anyway I enjoyed this film from start to finish. I honestly don’t think the casting could have been any more perfect. Would I be crazy to say this is my favorite horror film of 2024? There might be a little recency bias in my take I will admit. Mind you we had some bangers last year in the horror department. I still haven’t seen Nosferatu and Red Rooms yet but it will be hard to top this for my taste. This isn’t a review it’s just me giving this film its rightful praise. When I first saw the trailer months before it came out I already knew it was my type of thriller/horror. I’m so glad I waited months until the hype died down so I could really digest it. I’m just a big fan of silence of the lambs and this definitely had the similar vibes in its tone. I’m not saying it’s on the same level because it’s not but it’s still great on its own. I’m astonished Nicolas Cage so late in his career can still pull of some of the most unique characters to ever grace a movie screen. It’s like he’s really found his lane and what works the best for him. Make Monroe I just love her as an actor ever since It Follows (2014) I’ve been a fan. They way she played this character was phenomenal. She is so talented and very slept on. I’m not sure how the masses felt about this but i loved it. Maybe when I rewatch it my rating might come down a little but for now it’s staying where it’s at."
Lekita Thomas
"2.5 stars. This movie started off interesting enough. But then it got really slow for me. Also, the ending was terrible in my opinion. But the costume and design were really good. It has an interesting premise but there were elements missing for me. I would say try this one and see if you like it better than I did."
Kenny Tai
"An interesting first half, the 2nd half should have been better. Really like the main character, she is quite interesting, rest of cast were lacking, nick cage had so much fake stuff on his face which looks off. This one was trying to be like silence of the lambs, so this one was average at best."
"Finally seen the hype over Longlegs. Along with Hair-raising and lifelike the crimes scenes. The images seemed real the actors did such a good job with their deranged performance, it was difficult to recognize Nicholas Cage. I’m happy I watched this!"
"A solid 3.5⭐️. The opening scene gave me chills "
"This is definitely one you have to sit with. The eeriness stays with you…it leaves you chilled to the bone. I have not seen something even remotely close to this in this generation of horror. Go see it. Immediately. "
Weird in a bad way. It's definitely creepy but I don't know, the whole satanic thing just felt like a cheap explanation. They couldn't figure out a realistic way to do it so they went with magic."
Catelyn Hunter
"This was such an odd movie. Nicolas Cage did an amazing job though."
ℋ �
ℋ𝒶𝓃𝓃𝒶𝒽 𝒥
"I tried to watch this 3 times, but every-time I could not get into it. I thought it was creepy and an interesting idea, but it wasn’t very good. "
"Gave me a silence of the lambs feel! Well done and definitely creepy "
Rori Rodriguez
"An eery, suspenseful Silence of the Lambs-esque thriller about FBI agent vs occult serial killer. Certainly entertaining, Maika Monroe and Nicholas Cage's performances are noteworthy. Some cool background scares & a weird dialogue that you'll love to analyze after watching. Could be considered freaky because of the building tension the movie creates, but not necessarily scary. Overall I liked it but would've loved a little more explanation in the dialogue (a lot of it is repetitive). I've thoroughly enjoyed watching TikTok analyze this movie though and I have to admit there's a lot to discuss when it comes to this movie. Crime thriller fans might love this."
"i actually loved this movie it’s really weird but in the best way "
Nena Colunga
"The trailers for this looked so scary. The first half hour was honestly ominous and kind of creepy. After that, it went downhill, fast..we were all laughing by the end. "
"It was good. Worth a watch if you have some spare time and want to be creeped out. "
Charles Moore
"Easily one of the best movies I have seen this year! Nicolas Cage was incredible! This movie was full of twists, creepy vibes, and everything else that makes a classic horror picture. I highly recommend for any horror movie lover! This movie gave me all the feels of silence of the lambs and psycho."
H �
"This movie is very entertaining! It made me think of movies like Seven and Silence of the Lambs. I also enjoyed that there were easter egg lines referencing other Neon Company movies released/releasing this year! The acting in this is great (especially Nicholas Cages performance), the makeup was very well done, and the storyline was intriguing. I would recommend LongLegs to anyone looking for a creepy demonic slasher. "
Joe H
"Definitely creepy and can appreciate the gore. The story was a bit far fetched and quite weird. "
Sarra Zitoun
"The cinematography was usual. Small and large screens. The casting was pretty good. The storyline is really good and i loved the ending. Sadly it was kinda boring at some points. "
Lauren St
"I'm glad I got to see Longlegs at the movie theater and that I went in almost blind. I was really surprised by some of the twists and turns. It kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the runtime. Maika Monroe gave a great performance as Harker Lee and I'll have to look up more of her performances in the future. Nicolas Cage totally disappeared right into his part as the titular serial killer. I really appreciate the look of the movie and how centered the camera is throughout. All that said, I don't know if I'll want to rewatch this at any point in the future. Once was perfectly enough for me - at least for now. If you're looking for a twisted and atmospheric thriller and are a fan of The Silence of the Lambs, Se7en, and Cure, with a great dash of horror, you'll have to try, Longlegs. "
Sur Graham
"No, it's not this year's Barbarian. It's not even really a horror movie. Longlegs is a thriller with about five, predictable horror scenes. The story is boring and has some good cinematography. The lead character and Blair Underwood carry your attention span about half way through before Nick Cage's character shows up and acts weird, which he's done in his last five films. The end.
Samantha Blizzard
"This movie caught me off guard. I heard good reviews but I didn’t take them seriously. This is definitely one of the more intriguing serial killer movies I’ve seen in a while. Great acting and spooky with substance."
Clarence Williams Jr
"An FBI agnet with some psychic ability is put on an open case to track down a killer named Lonlegs. It turns out she may have some connection to him going back to her childhood. This reminded me a little bit of Silence of the Lambs with a focus on the investigation more so than the killer Lonlegs. Cage gives a an original performance of this killer that was a little over the top but in a good way. It was interesting to see the puzzle come together and how it all comes full circle. It is a bit of a slow burn but it does payoff at the end and leaves things a bit ambiguous. Don't go into this expecting a serial killer slasher type movie. This really is all about the investigation up till the ending. It's good but not exactly what they advertised in the trailers. Not the horror fest they said it was but still a solid watch. Please check out my podcast Mostly Low Budget Movies Reviews with Clarence for a full break down. On all streaming platforms. Link is in the bio. Thank you!"
"A great and refreshing addition to the horror genre! "
"very messy & all over the place w/ mad satanic undertones. Not for the kiddies either 3/5 "
Kevin Simons
"Chilling, uncomfortable and scary. Def a different side to Nic Cage. "
Cherry Lover 🍒
""Longlegs" was a film reminiscent of "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre," "Silence of the Lambs," and "The Amityville Horror." The cinematography was breathtaking, and the film style holds a vice grip on the viewers attention. Nicolas Cage's acting was phenomenal and the amount of prosthetics he adorned for this role was noteworthy and positively incredible!!! Maika Monroe's acting was phenomenal too, and drew the attention of the audience from the very first second she emerges on the screen. All around, this move was garring, complex, and all around unsettling. The whole film style was to create a sense of confusion, doubt, and pure horror. I vastly enjoyed the "vintage" film look for the scenes that occurred in the past. All together, I truly enjoyed this film. "
Claudia Henry
"loved this. creative take on a classic serial killer film! Would definitely recommend if you like thrillers"
"The trailer for this movie is one the best I’ve seen in a while which is why I went to go see it, but the movie was a letdown 👎 It felt more like a comedy than horror at one point. Oddly, I didn’t realize Nic Cage was in it until halfway through, and even he couldn’t save it."
Big Joe
"This movie is not for everyone but I do think everyone should watch it. The cinematography was super crisp, and by far, the film's greatest strength. The use of tight spaces really made you feel uncomfortable throughout the whole movie. The cast was excellent, especially Nic Cage and Blair Underwood. I also really enjoy the nice blend of horror and thriller. My biggest gripe, however, is the pacing. In the 2nd act, it kind of felt slow, but it picked up in the 3rd. The finale, while I loved it, can feel underwhelming for casual viewers. Overall, Longlegs is a movie that will scare you and amaze you at the same time!"
Catherine Sagherian
"Nicholas Cage and Maika Monroe both give amazing performances in this extremely creepy serial killer movie. "
"this was so good! i went into watching this film not knowing anything (i didnt get to see the trailer or read the synopsis), but wanted to see it because nick cage was in it - nick cage + horror means its bound to be good in some way... then i seen many ppl showing lots of love to the film so it peaked my interest even more - enough to get me to go watch it in theaters, and it was well worth it 🙂."
"Wish I could get the hr and 41 mins of my life back. So so bad and drawn out, no point or interesting plot, ridiculous and boring. "
"ending was a bit lame but i was jumpy watching it 😭😭😭😭"
Abbey Frommer
"Not what I thought it'd be from the trailer but definitely good. "
"I really expected more from this movie but it was still an interesting watch nevertheless"
Mr. Alan
"As good as it was anticipated to be. Remarkable, memorable, and a sensational performance by Maika Monroe and Nicolas Cage. I want to watch it again!"
Phillisa McDaniel
"I went into this movie blind and didn't expect the satanic aspect. I dont prefer that type of horror, but I was already along for the ride by the time I figured it out. It was a good movie that I wouldn't have normally given a chance had I known what it was about beforehand."
Justin Schmidt
"This movie was so disturbing! The way this movie plays out was very good! The way it was displayed was a masterclass! N Cage Thank you!!!Watched it back to back nights, and it was just as good the second watch! 9/10"
L (
Lenz (he/they/it)
"While the promotional material for this film was 10x scarier than the film itself, I still believe it was an interesting and unique story. Sometimes the devil is real and that's all there is to it."
Frank Mendoza
"What the **** Nicolas Cage. What you need to know is that the I came into this film knowing nothing other than Cage is in this. If you’ve seen the trailer and fell into the hype, you've likely ruined the experience. i actually agree with most of the comments on what this movie was marketed to be. However, that was only after learning how hyped people were. Do yourself a favor and just go into this film after you've emptied your mind about the movie. It's not the big scary horror of the decade you made up in your head. Just sit down and be present and enjoy the ride. 10/10"
Emily C
"This movie is not super scary(although I jumped twice lol) but rather eerie and strange. It stayed with me after watching it. It was predictable to me as to the "twist". Definitely worth a watch! "
Laken Lee
"Oh f the bad reviews. This has every element of a horror film minus the cringe and still has me thinking. I give it an A+"
"We will look back on this movie as a classic. A true work of art! "
Alien Potato
"Really good concept, but I can't help feel it was lacking something. The ending I wasn't sure about and had to google- I was right about what I thought, but confusing nonetheless. Good pacing and convincing gore. Made me uneasy."
Amber Mummert
"Unique story line! But I feel like this was more of a thriller possibly crime thriller than horror. Was it the best horror movie I’ve ever seen? No but was it the worst? Also no. But it is definitely worth the watch. Nicholas Cage did a great job in this movie!"
Jewel Moore
"Im still processing what I watched but this movie was so disturbing. It made you feel so uneasy and i kept saying "what in the actual ****". "
Raven Dickerson
"I enjoyed the artistry of this movie more than the plot? Lol. Maika was stronger in Significant Other but this movie has solidified her as one of my new horror faves (along w Mia Goth & Ana Taylor Joy)."
Jose Villegas
"Definitely one of the best movie so far this year. I went into this movie not knowing anything about it. Even avoided watching the trailers just to keep myself surprised and it was probably the best decision I made.
What I love about this movie is all the layers between all the characters, showing little by little of what is being developed just for it all to play out in the end. Throughout the movie I didn’t know if long legs was a serial killer, a super natural being, or a terrible Elvis impersonator. However, finding out what he was and seeing he had an accomplice, and finding out who it was was jaw dropping. This is when the plot starts to thicken and made me realize how insane and amazing the movie was.
Definitely a movie worth watching!"
Jennifer McCants
"Nicolas Cage did a great job playing the part of Longlegs, but the movie itself was not as good as it seemed it would be based on the previews. "
Darbi Gould
"Darkly atmospheric. I enjoy the aspect transition. Ends on a bit of a cliffhanger "
"It was definitely interesting but I felt like they really wanted it to have the vibe of silence of the lambs but like greatly failed. Like I regret spending my money to see it in theaters but I think I would have like it more if I had waited for it to be on a streaming platform."
g l
gwyneth long
"new fave horror movie. so suspenseful "
K �
Krystelle 🍿🤍
"Why are people calling this the best horror film of the year?"
Sergio Hernandez Palomares
"A very tense film with dark imagery. Covering topics of occultism, paranormal abilities, serial killers all wrapped into several stories that are well tied together. Good movie! "
Oscar Garz
"I prayer is needed after watching this so you dont go to hell for enjoying it."
Laura Carter
"Nothing like the trailer. Not what I was expecting, so it kinda ruined the movie for me. I will watch again without expectations to see if I change my mind. "
D �
Dustin 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈
"I did enjoy this film (greay cinematography, acting, set design) I just think it's done the same thing that Sinister and The Boy 2 did which is ruin the horror by making it about Demons and Satan. Sorry!"
"2024. Yes! More Nick Cage please! "
Journee Moon
"Story line is trash 🗑️ and feels too much like a bad silence of the lambs . Hype was way overdone on this one . On the flip side Nicholas Cage is creepy asf and the only decent parts of the movie involve him. "
"I got scared that the end part with the “black smoke” was going to ruin the movie, but I actually quite liked the end."
Paige Taber
"Overall very entertaining. Rich in atmosphere and opening setup. The style split off into supernatural with a touch of camp and never quite pulled the pieces together. I did find myself thinking about it later, and would recommend watching this movie as it is different from what is currently in the theaters. Also, if you’re a T. Rex fan you will get a few bonus insights that are nicely integrated into the story. "
Hailey Schiele
"Don't watch this movie. In my opinion it wasn't even scary at all. The whole plot felt kinda pointless and slow, it felt like it was building up to some cool ending but nothing cool ever happened. I thought it was pretty disappointing, super weird too. "
f z
foz zhang
"the plots boring but the presentation of the plot was wonderful. great job to the producers and directors. "
Andro Fett
" “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”"
Julia Chandler
"whole movie was the main character breathing hard asf "
z q
zoe quinn
"This movie is actually crazy. You should watch it now. Its a little scary but insanely good."
s 9
selvacava 9
"I really wanted to love this movie, but just didn't. Cinematography(good creep factor) and music were good. I'm OK with slow builds if the payoff is there, but for me it just wasn't here. I was left with more whats and whys. Maybe on a rewatch in the future, I'll like it more. "
Malachi Falle
"Like a bad trip, but you can’t stop watching in the way you would with a train crash"
August Carpenter
"It was definitely creepy.
But it wasn't really my thing. I love weird movies, don't get me wrong. But I sometimes feel like they're trying too hard to be weird.
This would be one of those times I feel it fell a little flat.
It had good performances, and great cinematography though.
I wouldn't skip it if you're into a really strange movie with good visuals and some solid performances.
I wouldn't say it's bad. It's just not, personally, my thing."
j h
jenessa hemphill
"Honestly it was predictable, nothing was shocking but Nicholas Cage is an amazing actor. I genuinely felt creeped out throughout this movie. & the cinematography was unmatched. "
Naively Brilliant
"It was boring. My husband enjoyed it but me. It’s a nope for me."
K Catt
"It’s was difficult to get through the movie, I had heard a lot of hype about this but it’s one of the harder watches for me. For a horror movie, I felt it was far too tame and dull. I don’t need anything extreme like gore to make a good horror movie. But even the scares were too dull. It was just scary music put over the most boring slice of life scenes."
Alston Kehler
"The marketing for this movie did it a huge disfavor. It is not the scariest movie ever made. You most likely will not pee yourself watching this. That being said, this was right up my alley and I absolutely loved it. Maika Monroe and Nicholas Cage KILLED their role; Perkins created a perfected creepy ambiance filled with eerily beautifully crafted sound design and horrifying imagery. It’s not the scariest movie I’ve ever seen, but it is a deeply unsettling flick that will make your skin crawl. I was invested in everything going on at all times and I cannot recommend this movie enough to a horror fan. Oz Perkins has crafted what I believe will be his magnum opus, he should be very proud. "
"Beautifully shot movie i love the shots in this particular movie. You feel a very heavy ambiance in alot of scenes which help build up the horror. For a Horror movie in 2024 i believe this is one of the most creative pieces of the year.
If you enjoyed silence of the lambs Buffalo bill i think this movie is must watch for ya ! "
Greg Gory
"Acting was good, the vibe was a little spooky, but they had no idea how to flesh out the plot, and it dragged."
"Moive left left me speechless, not to mention the cinematography is un matched."
KC Lee
"Best first scene in a horror movie I’ve seen in a while, if not EVER."
Amber Shipwash
"Nicholas Cage was brilliant. But the movie was about satanic rituals and really didn’t go with what the trailers had you to believe. Don’t waste your money. Wait for video. "
Carisa Haber
"What was this…? It left me so unsettled though. It was oddly terrifying. "
Kent Chapman
"Not the movie the marketing promised. Surprise, surprise.
The story really got lost in the middle there. I have no way of connecting the first two parts to the third. I feel like it was supposed to be a surprise ending, but somehow it was predictable and so nonsensical that you'd be baseless to predict it.
Shame, it was shot so unsettlingly that I was ready for something good around every corner. Beautifully shot. Writing did not meet the quality of the shoot."
"I enjoyed it. Silence Of The Lambs meets Saint Maud personally. More suspense/ crime thriller than horror. "
"This movie was a wild ride. Not at all what I was expecting "
Emma Thompson
"It wasn't as scary as I thought it was going to be :/"
No Soy Nadie
"It had me for the first 2 parts and then lost me in the last 3rd. Meh"
Owen Sibley
"If you like scary satanic stuff this is all for you "
Sheryl Parrish
"I don’t get all the positive reviews for this one. It’s kind of just meh. A lot of scenes were bloated for no particular reason. It manages to be far fetched and predictable at the same time. It’s watchable if you don’t have anything else to do, but don’t expect a whole lot. Nicolas Cage is pretty much playing a slight variation of every nutty character he’s played for the past decade or so. Maika Monroe is great (as always). Alicia Witt and Blair Underwood are also good."
Sith Morpheus
"Loved the vibe and performances, 5 stars."
Megan Maguire
"Love love LOVED this movie. I went into completely blind, didn’t ready the synopsis, didn’t watch any trailers, nothing. I also saw it in theaters and it was genuinely so so good. "
"Wonderful sound design"
Makayla Hanley
"Well made, but not really my thing"
Jacob White
"Very unsettling. Nicholas Cage's performance gave me goosebumps several times. Oz Perkins' filmography is meticulously detailed, and the film's ambience and use of music and sound undoubtedly contribute to the creation of a novel horror atmosphere. If you enjoy scary movies, I highly recommend watching this one in theaters!"
End of reviews